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August 20, 2024 5 min read

What Are Fat Grips?

Fat grips are a type of weightlifting accessory designed to increase the diameter of your barbell or dumbbell handles. By doing so, they challenge your grip strength andbolster your overall strength and forearm development.

The Basics of Fat Grips

Materials Used in Fat Grips
Fat Grips are typically made from high-density rubber or similar materials. This construction ensures durability and a secure grip even during intense workouts. The non-slip surface of Fat Grips is essential for maintaining control of the weights, especially when hands get sweaty. Some lifters pair fat grips with a quick dry gym towel to manage perspiration during their sessions.

Design and Variations
Fat Grips come in various sizes and thicknesses, allowing users to choose the level of difficulty that suits their training goals. Some variations include adjustable grips and different textures to further enhance the grip challenge. These options make Fat Grips versatile tools for different exercises and fitness levels, complementing other gear like weightlifting belts for a comprehensive strength training setup.

What Are Fat Grips Good For?

Fat grips are primarily used to enhance grip strength, but they also offer several other benefits:

  • Improved forearm development: The increased resistance from fat grips targets your forearm muscles, leading to greater size and strength.
  • Enhanced grip endurance: Using fat grips regularly can improve your ability to hold onto heavy weights for longer periods.
  • Reduced risk of injury: A stronger grip can help prevent injuries related to grip failure.
  • Boosted confidence: Increased grip strength can boost your overall confidence and performance in the gym.

Why Use Fat Grips in Your Training?

Using fat grips in your training offers several key benefits that can take your workouts to the next level. By making the bar thicker, fat grips engage more muscles in your hands, forearms, and upper body. This increased muscle activation leads to greater strength gains and improved overall performance.

What Does Fat Grip Do?

Fat grips work by increasing the thickness of the bar, which forces your hands and forearms to work harder during exercises. This extra effort engages more muscles, leading to greater muscle activation and growth.

Over time, this can result in stronger, more developed forearms and improved grip strength, which is beneficial for a variety of lifts and everyday activities. Many lifters find that using fat grips complements their use of wrist wraps for comprehensive forearm and wrist support.

Do Fat Grips Build Biceps?

Yes, fat grips can help build biceps. When you use fat grips during bicep exercises like curls, the increased bar thickness requires more effort from your hands and forearms. This added challenge forces your biceps to work harder, leading to greater muscle engagement and growth over time.

Do Fat Grips Make Your Forearms Bigger?

Fat grips are particularly effective at targeting the forearm muscles. Because they increase the thickness of the bar, your forearms have to work harder to maintain grip strength. Consistent use of thick grips in your workouts can lead to significant forearm development, making your forearms bigger and stronger.

What Are the Benefits of Fat Grips?

The benefits of thick grip training are numerous, making it a valuable addition to any strength training routine. They improve grip strength, enhance forearm and bicep development, and can help reduce the risk of injury by distributing the load more evenly across your hands and arms. Additionally, fat grips can make your workouts more challenging, leading to better overall strength gains.

Remember to stay hydrated during these intense sessions by keeping your gym water bottle nearby.

Fat Grip vs Normal Grip

When comparing fat grips to normal grips, the main difference lies are:

Feature  Fat Grips Normal Grips
Diameter Thicker Thinner
Grip Type Loop-style Straight
Primary Purpose Grip strength, forearm development General weightlifting
Intensity More challenging for grip Easier on grip
Versatility Can be used with various equipment Suitable for most exercises

Are Fat Gripz Worth It?

Yes, Fat Gripz are worth the investment for anyone serious about improving their strength and muscle development. They offer a unique challenge that regular grips cannot provide. By incorporating Thick Gripz into your routine, you can enhance your performance and see better results in your strength training.

Can You Use Fat Grip for Shoulders?

Yes, you can use fat grips for shoulder exercises, particularly those involving dumbbells or barbells. When used during exercises like shoulder presses, fat grips can help engage more muscle fibers in your shoulders and arms. This can lead to greater strength and muscle development in your shoulders.


When Should You Use Fat Gripz?

You should use Fat Gripz during exercises where you want to improve grip strength and forearm development. They are particularly effective in lifts like deadlifts, curls, and rows. However, it's essential to balance their use with regular grips to ensure a well-rounded strength program.

When and How Often to Use Fat Grips

Fat grips can be used in most upper body exercises, but it's important to use them strategically. Incorporate them into your routine two to three times per week to avoid overtraining your grip muscles. Start with lighter weights to adjust to the increased difficulty, and gradually increase the load as your grip strength improves.

Expert Insights

Experts in strength training often recommend Fat Grips as a valuable tool for improving grip strength and muscle activation. Trainers and athletes alike have praised their effectiveness in enhancing performance and reducing injury risk.

Future Outlook of Fat Grips in Training

Emerging Trends
As strength training continues to evolve, Fat Grips are likely to become even more popular. They offer a simple yet effective way to enhance grip strength and muscle activation, making them a valuable tool for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.


Do Fat Grips Work for All Types of Equipment?

Yes, fat grips are versatile and can be used with most types of gym equipment, including barbells, dumbbells, and pull-up bars. They are designed to fit securely on different bars, enhancing your workout.

Can Beginners Use Fat Grips?

Yes, beginners can use fat grips, but it's essential to start with lighter weights. This allows beginners to adjust to the increased difficulty without risking injury. Gradually increase the weight as grip strength improves.


Do Fat Grips Affect My Performance in Powerlifting?

Yes, fat grips can enhance your grip strength, which is crucial in powerlifting. Stronger grip muscles can lead to better performance in lifts like deadlifts and bench presses.

How often should you use fat grips?

Aim for 2-3 sessions per week to see significant improvements in your grip strength.

Are Fat Grips Safe to Use?

Yes, fat grips are safe to use when used correctly. It's important to start with lighter weights and ensure proper form to avoid injury. Regular maintenance of your fat grips is also essential to ensure they remain in good condition.